Missional prayer

The world, and our realities for ministry and mission, continues to change uncomfortably quickly. Many of our churches are joining together on a missional journey to reach and serve our communities in these times. But as the Engage course continues, and other churches across the country also try new things in these challenging times, it is essential that we undergird everything with prayer

So if you would like to join a group of people from across Wales to pray for mission and ministry in our country on a regular basis, you’re warmly invited to join us on zoom once a month on a Thursday lunchtime. We will pray from 1:30pm for 30 minutes every Thursday that Engage is scheduled, using this zoom link each time: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/98872809608?pwd=M0Uxc3ZNemFsK2l5OWJJTFBxcWhKQT09  

Meeting ID: 988 7280 9608 

Passcode: 113757 

The year’s dates for Engage and these prayer times are here: Engage – The Baptist Union of Wales (buw.wales) 


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