Hannah’s journey

It’s lovely to meet you, Hannah! For those of us who don’t know you, tell us who you are… 

Well, I’m Hannah! I am 24 years old, originally from Llanelli and now living here in Caernarfon. I like baking cakes – that’s where you’ll find me if I have a couple of spare hours. And I like to be outside in God’s creation as well. From Llanelli I would go up to Pen y Fan and here there is also plenty of choice of mountains! 

How did you come to know Jesus? 

Well, I grew up in a Christian family, and heard the gospel there and in children’s clubs etc. in chapel. I loved it and could see that the people there had something special. When I was five or six I had a conversation with my parents and said that I wanted Jesus in my life. Since then I’ve been learning little by little what it means to follow him! 

What is the internship and how do you get to do it? 

The internship is basically is a year where you get to work with a local church, but more than that it is an opportunity to discover your talents and God’s plans for your life. I was part of Action Team Wales in Arfon in 2018/19 after finishing university. It was a blessed year and I felt God’s call to mission in Wales. I moved home to work in a primary school and prayed that God would show me the way forward. Then I got talking to people I knew to seek guidance and so I the Derwen (missional training) scheme in September last year. And then I came to hear about the internship, had a conversation with the Baptist Union, interview… and here I am! 

You’ve only just started there in Caernarfon – but is there a highlight so far that you could share with us? 

I would have to say the services on Sundays! After the pandemic period and everything on zoom, being in chapel, with the place full of children and people of all ages, to have everyone there and all worshipping together – that has been a real thrill. I feel that I have seen the real church once again, one that is full of life! 

Amazing! And what are your hopes or plans for the coming year? 

I want to grow in relationships with the people of the church, and help people get to know Jesus better. And one particular way of doing that is through the weekly youth club. I guess really I just hope to have wide experiences within church life, including some that are outside my personal comfort zone! And beyond that, I want to see more clearly and specifically God’s plan for my life and for the church in Wales.  

How can we pray for you, Hannah? 

Perhaps three small things: 

1) That I would quickly find my feet and establish a good weekly rhythm 

2) That I would grow in my relationships here and be able to build meaningful ones 

3) For me to make the most of the coming year 


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